The power behind your best MIKE models

Creating and effectively presenting the results from a water model can be complicated. Many of our software platforms are backed by MIKE Zero, DHI's fully integrated graphical user interface designed to make modelling easier. Packed with informative, intuitive and helpful features, MIKE Zero helps you get more out of your MIKE models in less time.

Check out how MIKE Zero helps

Streamline data processing work

Get your models set up more efficiently with data editing tools

✔      Efficiently process data with pre- and post processing tools

✔      Access built-in templates to create and edit time series data

✔      Enhance your models with detailed digital bathymetries

✔      Generate climate change scenarios

✔      Create and edit 2D and 3D grids and detailed digital mesh

✔      Perform detailed wave analysis of time series data

✔      Boost productivity with automatic calibration

Tap into the power of MIKE Zero with these products

Agent-based modelling


Simulate the dynamic behavior and environmental interactions of aquatic life

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2D wave modelling

Boussinesq Waves

Analyse wave disturbances in ports, harbours and coastal areas

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3D phase resolving model

MIKE 3 Wave FM

Analyse the impact of a wave climate on offshore, coastal or port infrastructure

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Ecological modelling


Investigate water quality concerns and their potential ecological impact

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River network modelling


Perform comprehensive, fully dynamic river network modelling

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Integrated hydrological modelling


Analyse groundwater, surface water, recharge and evapotranspiration processes

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Urban, coastal and riverine flooding


Perform integrated flood modelling including dynamic interactions

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2D dynamic mooring analysis

Mooring Analysis

Assess the dynamic effects of wind, currents and waves on moored vessels

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2D/3D mud transport modelling

Mud Transport

Study the impact of siltation on coastal morphology and water quality

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2D/3D oil spill modelling

Oil Spill

Quantify and visualise the risks and potential impact of an oil spill on the environment

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2D/3D particle transport modelling

Particle Tracking

Assess the potential impact of dredging, disposal and reclamation activities

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2D/3D sediment transport modelling

Sand Transport

Analyse the effects of sedimentation on coastal and estuarine infrastructure

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2D morphological modelling

Shoreline Morphology

Model complex sediment transport processes and shoreline morphology

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2D spectral wind-wave modelling

Spectral Waves

Predict and analyse wave climates in offshore and coastal areas

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2D/3D transport modelling


Model the spreading and fate of tracers, coliform bacteria and xenobiotic compounds

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Let's get started

Learn how your modelling efforts can benefit from this integrated productivity platform.

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